Posts with the tag “doctrines-of-grace”

Revisiting the Grace Boys
by Maggie Breckenridge on October 17th, 2013
Two years ago I wrote a Messenger article entitled “The Grace Boys.” It immediately was posted at a popular blog site. The reaction, inside and outside of the church, was swift. Strong appreciation arrived by e-mail from leading ministers within the PCA. Others were not so pleased. The theme was simple. Too many ministries were preaching a truncated gospel: justification without sanctification, fa...  Read More
An Ordinary Means of Grace Model of Ministry
by Maggie Breckenridge on July 11th, 2013
Our spiritual well-being is to be nurtured primarily in the assembly of the whole people of God, led by ordained leadership, under the ministry of the word, with a full-diet of prayer, and the regular administration of the sacraments. These assemblies may not be cathartic but they are solid, and they are what we need most. There are many different ways to “do church,” as we say these days. Multipl...  Read More
The Grace Boys
by Maggie Breckenridge on October 4th, 2011
Those who (realize that they) are forgiven must love much (Lk 7:47). We can even say that love/gratitude is the highest motivation for Christian living. What we can’t say is that it is the Christian’s only valid motivation. Not by a long shot.I know a little about God’s grace. I’ve experienced God’s grace in Christ in my own life. I’ve written three books with grace in the title. I’ve preached gra...  Read More
When Grace Comes Home
by Josh Espinosa on January 1st, 2000
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